Administration of the State Representative

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Davit Verava got acquainted with the construction process of new schools in Tsalenjikha

2025-01-22 19:23:00

Within the framework of the state program, the construction and rehabilitation process of educational infrastructure is actively underway in Tsalenjikha Municipality.

Today, Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti State Representative David Verava, along with his deputy Luduk Khasia and the head of the Tsalenjikha Educational Resource Center Lira Ghurtskaya, inspected the construction process at the Fifth Public School of Tsalenjikha (Zghvaia District) and Tskoushi Public School.

Tskoushi and Tsalenjikha Public Schools No. 5 will be designed for 120 students. Tskoushi Public School is located close to the occupation line, and students from occupied Saberio also attend this school.The previous school was in disrepair and did not meet standards, and the building of the fifth public school in Tsalenjikha was also in disrepair.A combined basic school with Sachino Public School #1 is also being built in Tsalenjikha, and Davit Verava also got acquainted with the construction work. The school construction process is being implemented by the Educational and Scientific Infrastructure Development Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Georgia.

The rehabilitation process of kindergartens is also underway in Tsalenjikha, both in the city and in the villages.


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