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the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Georgia celebrated in Zugdidi

2022-06-02 18:11:00

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Georgia and Japan, Pirosmani Art Exhibition "St. Pirosmani" by HARADA Takehide was held at  the Palace of Prince Niko Dadiani of the Historical-Architectural Museum of Dadiani Palace.

The Opening Ceremony of Pirosmani Art Exhibition At the Palace of Prince Niko Dadiani were attended by Deputy State Representative Davit Kukhaleishvili, Zugdidi Mayor Mamuka Tsotseria, First Secretary of the Embassy of Japan Imanishi Takao, representatives of culture, art and students.

In 1978, Takehide Harada was involved in the Japanese premiere of Giorgi Shengelaia's film "Pirosmani". The 24-year-old artist was so fascinated by this film and became so interested in Pirosmani's life and work that since then the great Georgian artist has never disappeared from his memory and his work. You can visit the exhibition during one month, until July 2.

 Today, Mr. Yasuhiro Kojima, Professor of Georgian studies, made a presentation on cultural relations between Japan and Georgia.


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