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French Ambassador to Georgia Diego Colas completed a three-day official visit to Samegrelo

2020-06-26 19:58:00

French Ambassador to Georgia Diego Colas completed a three-day official visit to Samegrelo, during the visit, Colas met with the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Alexander Motserelia and other officials, as well as met with the heads of dioceses and representatives of the non-governmental sector.

On the last day of the visit, the Ambassador together with the State Representative have been in the Dadiani Salkhino Residence and the Martvili Cathedral.

Mayor of Martvili Municipality Alexander Grigalava and  Bishop the Lord God of Chkondideli Grigol Katsia   were hosted the guests.

"Today, the three-day visit of the French Ambassador to our region is over. The Ambassador has expressed special interest in our region, and with his asistance, we will be able to strengthen relations in terms of culture, education, tourism and the economy, "- Stated Alexander Motserelia.

,,i am very happy to be here, this is the last stage  of my visit to hospitable Samegrelo. We  have a very fruitful visit, we saw a lot of things, we disscused energy, agreculture, assistance of wolunarable people, , we discovery of many turist oportunities and colaboration on this spases I’m deeply convinced that on the basis of a strong history, we will build a very strong futureWe met with the local population, got acquainted with different places, i express my gratitude for hosting the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti”, Said the Ambassador Diego Colas at the end of the visit.


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