Administration of the State Representative

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“Chkondidloba 2019”

2019-09-25 12:59:00

Today is  “Chkondidloba.” The holiday is especially celebrated in Martvili.  Commemoration Day of Saint David's mentor George Chkondideli-Mtsignobartukhutsesi celebrated in Martvili by various events.

The event attended by the State Representative of  Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti and local Government Representatives . Alexander Motserelia congratulated to the  locals the holiday. On the occasion of the holiday, Martvili is visited by the delegations of the twinning cities of Nesvizh (Belarus), Odolanov and Charnkov (Poland).

Currently, at the center of Martvili ongoing the concert dedicated to "Chkondidloba” where are participating  the  local musical groups."  At the end of the day, the group ¼ , Giga Papaskiri and Mary Mamulashvili will sing on the main stage. Various cultural and sporting events are helding throughout the day in Martvili.


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