Administration of the State Representative

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სენაკის, ჩხოროწყუს, წალენჯიხის, ხობის მუნიციპალიტეტებსა და თვითმმართველ ქალაქ ფოთში

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Government officials visited Greenway Service Center

2019-07-12 11:52:00

Service center “Greenway Georgia” of Poti was visited by Head of the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Administration Mr. Levan Tsulaia, Mayor of Poti Mr. Gocha Kurdghelia and local Government officials.

Government Representatives observed the working process at "Greenway Georgia" technical inspection center and evaluated one of the most important reforms in the Georgian auto industry witnessing the current process of compulsory technical inspection of cars.

the General Director Mr.Vakhtang Ebitashvili introduced Government Representatives with the announced summer internship program held within the framework of the campaign of "Greenway Georgia"  JSC;

 "Greenway Georgia" is offering a two-month internship program for local population in 16 municipalities. Interns will be involving in the program of Technical Inspection Service Centers for two month free of charge. They will be studying the basic standards and principles of inspection through intensive retraining program. They will also get detailed information about the legislation and regulations in the field of technical inspection.

"Greenway Georgia" is the largest network of technical inspection services in Georgia. 10 service centers of the company are located in Tbilisi and 16 are operating in different regions of Georgia. The partner of "Greenway Georgia" is a Spanish technical inspection brand "Applus”, which operates in 70 countries around the world.

The network of services is based up on Spanish experience in the field of technical inspection. The company has already made 53 million investments and created 370 workplaces. "Greenway Georgia" has got two service centers In the Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region, one in Poti and the other in Khobi. The investment made in the region has amounted totally three million GEL and 11 new job places have been created.


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