Administration of the State Representative

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''Anaklia Cup 2018''

2018-09-29 11:34:00

 Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Governor Alexander Motserelia, founder of "Anaklia Consortium" Mamuka Khazaradze, First Deputy Governor Koba Kantaria and other representatives of the governing administration attended the Horse Riding "Anaklia Cup 2018". The competition started with old Georgian horse-riding game ,ISINDI.” Horse riders from different parts of Georgia took part in the competition. Horse race took place in three stages. On the first stage, the Georgian breed of horses took part, in the second stage - two years old of the English breed, and on the third stage three-year old horses of the English breed were taken. Between the racing, the riders competed each other in polo. which helps to reconstruct and restore the Georgian traditional game in the list of intangible cultural heritage monuments. Horse Racing  Anaklia Cup "will be an annual event and will have international scope.


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