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Public discussion of the draft law on Physical Education and Sports

2018-08-01 15:45:00

Public discussion of the draft law on Physical Education and Sports initiated by the Sport and Youth Affairs Committee of the Parliament of Georgia was held in Zugdidi Youth Palace. The event was leaded by the Chairman of the Committee, Mikheil Kavelashvili, Members of  the Parliament, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport and representatives of self-government of Samegrelo region. The Mayor of Zugdidi Municipality, Lasha Gogia, who spoke about reforms and initiatives in sports sphere, also emphasized the results achieved in sports and future plans in Zugdidi.

Public discussions of the draft law will be conducted throughout Georgia. Participation in the discussion and attendance is free. The meeting was attended by the representatives of sports sphere, staff of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Governor and representatives of local Government.

Public discussions serve to get feedback and recommendations from public representatives for further improvement of the draft law. The Parliamentary Committee on Sport and Youth Affairs provides suggestions and comments on public consultation, for the purpose of relevantreaction, to the author of the draft law for the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia. Presentation of the draft law to the Parliament is planned before the end of 2018.

The creation of a new law aims at ensuring universal access to the physical activity of the population and sports. The draft of the law serves to adequately react to challenges facing sports, including directions such as sports education and staffing, cooperation with sports organizations, infrastructure development and its management, sports medicine and others.

Public discussions are held in close cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia. The event is supported by the National Democratic Institute (NDI), the UK Government, financial support for the event.

The text of the draft law and other information related to it is available at


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