Administration of the State Representative

საქართველოს ადმინისტრაციულ-ტერიტორიულ ერთეულებში - აბაშის, ზუგდიდის, მარტვილის, მესტიის,

სენაკის, ჩხოროწყუს, წალენჯიხის, ხობის მუნიციპალიტეტებსა და თვითმმართველ ქალაქ ფოთში

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eng_ახალი ამბები

Rehabilitation works are underway in Chuberi

2018-07-09 22:10:00

Installation of the Panel Military Bridge in Chuberi is intensively underway. The work process will last until late at night. As a result of the bridge construction, it will be possible to move heavy equipment on the left bank of the river Nenskra.

60 units of construction equipment worked in the disaster zone all day long. Rehabilitation and river bank reinforcement works are ongoing. Heavy technique works on alternating bypass road. Part of the equipment will work through the entire lights all night.

Reconstruction works are being carried out by ,,Energo Pro Georgia” in the disaster zone. Electricity supply has been restored for more than half of Chuberi subscribers.

In the disaster zone, they are headed by the Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees Sozar Subari, Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Governor Levan Shonia and local authorities.

Representatives of the youth side of "Georgian Dream" and volunteers who have been cleaned today have been participating in the disaster zone.

Yesterday, the Ministry of Defense sent 50-meter Panel Bridge and 18 military  engineering equipment in Chuberi.



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