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Prime Minister held meeting with youth of Zugdidi in Botanical Garden

2018-06-27 21:19:00

 Prime Minister of Georgia Mamuka Bakhtadze met youth of Zugdidi in the Botanical Garden and answered their questions.

"Today is a very important and emotional day for me, I am waiting for the new initiatives" - the Prime Minister of Georgia addressed the youth at the meeting.

The Prime Minister congratulated graduates of the current year on graduation and focused on education reforms and youth economics, the need for promotion of innovations, importance of promotion of culture, popularization of  sports and sport infrastructure development.

"We have declared education and youth economy as the top priority of the government. Here we need very principled and radical steps, "he said.

The Prime Minister emphasized the need for a fundamentally different economic model where education will have a dominant position.

" Defeat of Poverty” - this is very important and we will definitely do it, but we must remember one thing. If we want to develop the country's economy, as we see today in many European countries, we need a fundamentally different economic model. The model where your contribution will be the leading and where education will have a dominant position where all the young people will be able to realize themselves in our homeland , in Georgia, "the Prime Minister addressed  the youth.

According to Mamuka Bakhtadze, young people should not go abroad to realize their potential.

"I am very happy when I hear about many successful youth activities abroad, but we should do everything to create such opportunities in Georgia not to go abroad for self-realization. We should go abroad to get as much experience as possible, but the environment  in Georgia should be in the way that that everybody  had a feeling of self-realization, "- said the Prime Minister.

Mamuka Bakhtadze talked about the decision of unification of education, culture and sports in one Ministry and explained that these spheres cannot be successful separately.

"Youth economy means innovations and energy, not to adapt to any existing" status quo "that may seen as a kind of swamp situation ." Youth economy means unanimity, to be oriented towards progress on the values ​​that we have from ancestors and deliver them to new generations and develop. As you know, we've made the decision to unite education, sports and culture in one Ministry , we consider that they cannot be successful separately.they should be in completeness in order to get the system with  educated people with high morals and values and of course, the youth living  with healthy living principles, this is very important, "- said the Prime Minister.

Also, the head of the government emphasized the need for more youth space and talked about specific projects. He said sports and youth spaces should be available for everyone, including our Abkhazian  brothers.

"We need more youth space. Today I talked about  the construction of a new sports complex on the territory of Zugdidi Old Park, which will start in a very short time. In Zugdidi there will be a pool with Olympic parameters, where many international tournaments will be held. It should be accessible to everybody, accessible and visible to our Abkhazian citizens, for everyone who wants to see youthful energy to find their way which will reflect on our country’s further development, "Mamuka Bakhtadze said.

According to the Prime Minister, a high level professional school will be created in Zugdidi.

"I am very glad that" Technopark "is quite popular in Zugdidi, but I think this is not enough: One of the first things we will do and the reform of the education system means is a very high level of professional education in terms of information technology. We will open such institution  first in Zugdidi It's very important to have the talent that we are transforming in this beautiful corner of the 21st century in the professions which are always in demand, I assure you that there will always be a demand, "Mamuka Bakhtadze addressed the youth.

According to him, the education system should have a regional support component.

"Another issue I would like to emphasize is that our education system should have very important regional support and function. If you find Georgia's scientific-intellectual potential, we all know that many representatives were from Abkhazia as well as from Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region. This potential needs to be further strengthened, stimulated and developed, "the Prime Minister told the youth gathered in Zugdidi Botanical Garden.

Members of the Minister Cabinet and Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Governor Levan Shonia attended the meeting with students.



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