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სენაკის, ჩხოროწყუს, წალენჯიხის, ხობის მუნიციპალიტეტებსა და თვითმმართველ ქალაქ ფოთში

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„Culture without Borders'' will hold events in Rukhi and Tkaia

2018-06-19 17:20:00

With the support of Ministry of Culture and Sports of Georgia from May 10, the project "Culture without Borders" initiated by  N(U)NLP  "1 Echivilbrion" will be held in Shida Kartli and Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti regions, where local population will be actively involved in the  concerts and meetings organized by the guests .

Within the second stage of the project, planned events will be held on June 21 In Tkaia, village Rukhi and Zugdidi, where writers and academics - Director of TSU Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature, Prof. Irma Ratiani, Deputy Director of the Institute, Prof. Maka Elbakidze and the Director of the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia, writer Giorgi Kekelidze will pay attention to the anniversary dates, including the 100th Anniversary of Independence, Georgian Writing 1918-1921; They will also talk about the importance of deepening cultural dialogue and will interact with the readers in dialogue. Various exhibitions will be organized with local participants and recent short films “April Frost" and "Kite” will be shown.

Ivane Machabeli Professional State Drama Theater will hold a performance at Zugdidi Youth Cneter.

The final part of the project includes concert, which will take place in Rukhi with the participation of Neka Sebiskveradze's band.

Within the framework of the project great importance is given to the book availability. Local schools and libraries will be given books published by the Ministry.

Village Tkhaia - Str. Zugdidi - village Rukhi -Schedule of events:

June 21.

• 16: 45: 17: 00 - Opening of the square library in the public scholl yardof the village Tkaia   

• 17:10 - 18:00 - village Tkaia Public School: Lecture: Georgian Literature 1918 - 2018 (Director of Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature, Prof. Irma Ratiani, Deputy Director of the same Institute, Professor Maka Elbakidze)

• 18:05 - 18:35 - Showing of Short Feature and Animated Georgian Movies “April frost " and Kite".

• 18:00 - 19:00 Zugdidi: l-Youth Center - Ivane Machabeli Professional State Drama Theater Performance "Kvachi"

• 19:30 - 20:20 - village Rukhi ("Rukhi Mall") Lecture: Georgian Literature 1918 - 1921 - Presenting - Director of the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia - Writer Giorgi Kekelidze

• 20:30 - 21:30 - village Rukhi ("Rukhi Mall") Musical Concert - Neka Sebiskveradze (Quartet)

Attendance is free




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