eng_ახალი ამბები
Rehabilitation of Rioni River Regulation Hydrojunction in Poti is underway
The project envisages preparation of all the necessary works for the maximum volume of water in case of an expected flood.
Within the framework of the project, rehabilitation works will be carried out by regulating hydrojunction, new amortized electrification will be replaced by new ones, mechanical parts of the dam and shields will be restored, ten shields of the dam will be removed and they will be fixed in the open condition; Also, The drainage dam construction and its facilities will be repaired.
1 367 815 GEL will be spent for rehabilitation of r Rioni River hydrojunction regulation
The project is implemented by the LTD ,,Georgia Melioration"of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia "
Hydrojunction, which functions as a motor bridge and regulates the procession of Rioni River in the Black Sea, was built in 1959.
The first stage works started in March this year and will end in June.
The Rioni Regulation Hydrojunction is transregional pbject of the strategic importance for the Eurasian corridor and one of the main parts of the land for transferring cargos from Poti port to other direction.