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The four-day festival ''ANAKLIA ECHOWAVES'' in Anaklia

2018-06-05 12:45:00

The new Festival "ANAKLIA ECHOWAVES" will be holding on August 23-26 in Anaklia within the framework of Check In Georgia 2018. The purpose of the 4 day festival is to make a significant contribution in the cultural development of the region and create attractive tourist projects. In addition to music, the festival includes sports recreational activities, various artistic or cultural events, social and educational projects.

The festival will be holding under the umbrella of "EXIT",-one of the most popular festival in Europe. The "EXIT" Festival was named as Europe's Best Festival “of 2014. The Festival is recognized as a positive charge in the tourism industry by UN World Tourism Organization.

The Exit Festival was founded in 2000 and has been based on a large student movement that fought for independence in Serbia. From the founding day to present day artists such as: Depeche Mode, Guns N 'Roses, Massive Attack, Faithless, Arctic Monkeys, Jamiroquai, Portishead, Wu-Tang Clan, The Prodigy, Sex Pistols and others have acted on its stage.

On May 28, 2018, in the framework of "Check in Georgia" organization "Anaklia Entertainment Group" addressed National Tourism Administration of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development with the letter and requested promotion and implementation of  Anaklia Festival of Electronic Music for the period of August 23-26, 2018, ANAKLIA ECHOWAVES ". The total budget of the festival is 6,162,360 GEL, from which the National Tourism Administration will be financed by "ANAKLIA ECHOWAVES" with 4,160,000 GEL.

2,002,360 GEL will be financed by the event itself.

Five scenes will be opened in Anaklia festival area; 80-level world-class performer will be presented to the listener.

"ANAKLIA ECHOWAVES" project will be implemented by Anaklia Entertainment Group Ltd, which is headed by Brian Costadinov.

Brane Kostadinov is the founder of EEMM Group, which began in 2001 and has over 3000 events in 25 countries around the world, with more than 700 artists in "Booking" , including artists such as Massive Attack, The Prodigy, Faithless, Fatboy Slim, Calvin Harris, and others.

"ANAKLIA ECHOWAVES" - Anaklia wave echo


"ANAKLIA ECHOWAVES" among the certified artists of the festival ARE: Solomun, Juan Atkins, Dzijan Emin & GPO, Francesco Tristano & Guti live and others are also negotiating with world-famous live performers and DJs who make the festival name more sexy and attractive.

Safe festival

For the first time this year the International NGO "Drogart" will be involved in the festival, which has been working to eliminate alcoholism and drug addiction  since 1999. During the festival, representatives of "Drogart" will give young people the objective information on health, drug abuse, overdose and personal safety so that they can be able to make correct and informed choices.

Giorgi Chogovadze, Head of Tourism Administration of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development spoke about the festival:

"A new Festival will be held in Anaklia, including August 23 to August 26, in the frames of " Check in Georgia "project, which is titledas " ANAKLIA ECHOWAVES ". It is important that the festival will be held under the umbrella of the EXIT Festival of Europe, named as the best European festival in the years, and the government made the decision to support the project which will add more than 80 artists this year in Georgia, which will be very interesting for our young citizens as well as foreign tourists. “- said Giorgi Chogovadze.


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