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The UK Parliamentary Delegation visited Samegrelo

2018-05-30 12:04:00

The delegation of the UK Parliamentary Friendship Group visited Samegrelo in Georgia. The delegation was hosted by the Governor of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti together with Deputy Governor, Mayor of Zugdidi and Chairman of City Hall..

Governor of the Region, together with the members of the House of Lords and House of Commons, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia to the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland Tamar Beruchashvili visited the Dadiani Palace's historic-architectural museum.

Within the framework of the visit, the delegation of the Parliamentary Friendship Group visited Zugdidi Technopark where they introduced with the projects in the Techno Park and the "Fab Lab".

At the Business dinner Levan Shonia introduced the members of the UK Parliamentary Friendship Group, the potential of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region and highlighted ongoing projects of the region. Levan Shonia emphasized the importance of Anaklia's deep-water port and its significance.

On May 25-31, a delegation of the UK Parliamentary Friendship Group is holding a parliamentary bilateral visit in Georgia within the strategic dialogue of Warford. Members of the delegation met  the representatives of the EUMM's Zugdidi office on May 29 to familiarize themselves with the situation at the division line.

The delegation of the UK Parliamentary Friendship Group participated in the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the First Democratic Republic of Georgia. Within the framework of the visit, various meetings were held, delegation will leave Georgia on May 31.

The delegation of the Parliamentary Friendship Group is headed by the Foreign Relations Committee Chairman and Sophio Katsarava, the Head of the Friendship Group of Great Britain.


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