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European Days 2018 in Zugdidi

2018-05-19 19:57:00

The EU Delegation to Georgia celebrates "European Days 2018" with the support of Zugdidi Municipality. The Skate Park has turned into "Europe village" for one day, where each guest can engage in various entertainment activities all day long.

The event guests will be able to introduce with the history of the EU. Also, learn what opportunities offers the EU to Georgian citizens. In parallel, children's entertainment spaces are arranged with different performances.

Representatives of local government are attending the event. The Mayor of Zugdidi Municipality opened "European Days 2018". In the frames of the event tournament was held in street basketball, which was attended by Deputy Governor of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti David Kodua, City Mayor Lasha Gogia, City Council Chairman Mamuka Tsotseria and Merab Qvaraia, Zugdidi majoritarian MP.

The theme of this year's event is "Our diverse Europe", which expresses the unity of the different cultures that the European Union and Europe generally combine. This theme will be applicable to the European year of European cultural heritage, which is celebrated in 2018.

Today the European Union unites 28 states and 508 million citizens and has been a guarantee of peace and prosperity in Europe for 60 years.


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