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Rehabilitation of Zugdidi Botanical Garden continues

2018-05-03 18:45:00

Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure Ilia Begiashvili and Governor of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Region Levan Shonia, together with local authorities, inspected the rehabilitation works of the Botanical Garden in Zugdidi. The project is implemented by Municipal Development Fund, funded by the World Bank this year with total amount of 12 million GEL.

Infrastructure in Zugdidi Botanical Garden was damaged for decades and needed rehabilitation.

The project envisages rehabilitation of buildings and fences in the garden area, water supply, irrigation, sewage and drainage systems.

.Arrangement of artificial lake water supply and headworks in the area is planned. Walking paths will be made and public toilets will be built.

At this stage, the construction work of the house of the gardener, the defense and the cash box is under way. Up to 120 people are employed on the current work, and after completion of the project, up to 70 staff will be employed on the renewed infrastructure.

Improvement of Zugdidi Botanical Garden will increase the number of tourists. Favorable conditions for further development of tourism potential will be created.

According to the project, rehabilitation works will be completed in June, 2019.



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