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Governor of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti inspected the rehabilitation works of Niko`s Palace

2018-04-23 18:07:00

Rehabilitation works of  Niko’s Palace of in Zugdidi are actively underway.

At this stage, the internal interior arrangement works on both sides of the building and the reconstruction of the exterior façade is underway.

Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti GovernorLevan Shonia together with local government representatives

 inspected the ongoing works.The Niko Palace Rehabilitation Project is implemented by the National Agency of Cultural Heritage Protection, financed by the Fund "Kartu".

The Niko Palace in the Dadiani palace complex was built by architect Leonid Vasiliev in the 80s of the XIX century. The museum has been in a state of emergency for years and timely rehabilitation was needed.


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