Administration of the State Representative

საქართველოს ადმინისტრაციულ-ტერიტორიულ ერთეულებში - აბაშის, ზუგდიდის, მარტვილის, მესტიის,

სენაკის, ჩხოროწყუს, წალენჯიხის, ხობის მუნიციპალიტეტებსა და თვითმმართველ ქალაქ ფოთში

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Report on projects implemented in villages near the dividing line

2018-04-11 14:20:00

More than 91 million GEL was spent on the infrastructure of villages located near the dividinig line.

In Samegrelo, development of infrastructure in villages near the dividing line and promotion of local residents is the priority of central and local government.

The total amount spent during the various infrastructural works in the village has been more than 91 million GEL since 2013 up to present day.


Infrastructure projects

The road infrastructure was arranged in the villages located near the occupied Abkhazia. The length of the new road compiled 98 kilometers and  15 million GEL was spent for the road infrastructure. Outdoor lights were installed on the roads, while the drainage channels were set up in the problem areas. The budget cost was 282 360 GEL.

Rehabilitation was carried out on bridges: Rukhi, Shamgona and Khurcha. In total, 1 million GEL was spent on rehabilitation and construction of bridges.

Along with other needs, water supply problems existed in villages near the dividing line. 11 580 000 GEL was spent for implementation of water supply projects. Most of them have been needed for building Ganmukhuri and Anaklia water supply system.

The Enguri River has been a problem for nearby villages during floods. There were cases when Swelling River damaged homestead lands and seized arable lands.For this reason large-scale embankment works have been  carried out in Tkaia, Shamgona, Koki, Orsantia and Pakhulani. The amount spent embankment works compiled GEL 3 320 000.

Kindergartens have also been rehabilitated, with total amount of 174 170 GEL.

Construction and rehabilitation of cultural and sport facilities was carried out, for which 300 thousand GEL was allocated.

Large blocks of flats for the IDP families have been roofed. In this direction large scale works were conducted in Potskho-Etseri settlement.

1 327 638 GEL was spent on rehabilitation of medical institutions, outpatients and administrative buildings.

From the year  2013 works with the amount of 95,000 GEL  have been implemented for the improvement of parks and squares in villages located near the occupation line.



Gasification works were conducted in Ganmukhuri, Orsantia, Shamgona, Koki, Tkaia and Rike. Gasification is free for households living in the dividing line.


Large projects

In Rukhi, a multifunction shopping center was built. Citizens living on both sides of the occupation line enjoy trade objects and services located here.

Construction of university clinic is completed in Rukhi, now internal repair works are underway. The hospital will be 220-seat. The complex consists of several facilities: including the hotel for the relatives of the patients from the occupied territories. 41 million GEL  is spent for construction of the complex.

Public centers are functioning in Rukhi and Orsantia, which were built to ease the situation for the population living on both sides of the occupation line. The centers use more than 200 services of public and private sectors.



The Ministry of Education finances the students living in the villages nearby the occupied territories. Up to 400 students in Samegrelo region have benefited from this program.



The complete rehabilitation of the Palluri road starts in 2018, and the construction of the Muzhava road will also occur.

In  Zugdidi municipality the rehabilitation of internal roads will be rehabilitated in Rukhi, Tkhaia and Koki (Nalimi district).

Additionally, tourist infrastructure will be arranged on Enguri hydroelectric line along the dividing line, Including tunneling, cableway, scientific and discovery center, outdoor concert space and the highest elevation in the world on the dam.


Providing IDPs with accommodation

The state cares about IDP families providing new living spaces.

From 2013 up to present day IDP families have been transferred to the rehabilitated buildings and new buildings in Samegrelo region.

Within the framework of the "Rural House", the Ministry of IDPs and Accommodation has purchased 850 IDP households in Samegrelo region with a land plot.

TenTwelve-storey building is being built in Baramia Street in Zugdidi. In t spring, 240 IDP families will receive the apartments in the settlement.



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