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Kindergarten opened in IDP settlement in Poti

2018-03-02 17:57:00

Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia Sozar Subari and Governor of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Levan Shonia attended the opening ceremony of the Kindergarten for  100 IDPs in Poti.

In the new settlement where 1 238 families live, the kindergarten was not functioning yet. The construction of the adapted garden began in June 2017 with the assistance of the Danish Refugee Council and the Government of Poland. The cost of the project valued 385 000 GEL.

The local municipality has funded the organization of the kindergarten yards and equipments. On the basis of the memorandum signed with the Ministry of IDPs, the corporation "Hip" handed the kindergarten a musical instrument.

14 IDPs living in the newly opened kindergarten were employed.

The opening ceremony of the kindergarten was also attended by Ambassador of Poland Mariusz Mouskiewicz, Head of the Danish Council, Vincent Donto, Deputy Governor of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti David Kodua, Poti majoritarian MP Irakli Khakhubia and Poti Mayor.


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