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სენაკის, ჩხოროწყუს, წალენჯიხის, ხობის მუნიციპალიტეტებსა და თვითმმართველ ქალაქ ფოთში

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Unprecedented Hepatitis C Management Center Opens in Zugdidi

2017-03-23 15:45:00

Today an unprecedented hepatitis C management center launches in Zugdidi—this facility, equipped with modern technology, was opened today by Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili, together with Health Minister Davit Sergeenko and US Ambassador Ian Kelly.

The Hepatitis C Management Center offers a full package of services, including, screening, diagnostics, medical consultation, registration, and medication under one roof.

The Prime Minister of Georgia congratulated Zugdidi’s population on the launch of the center, emphasizing that the center’s services will be available to neutral passport holders from the occupied territories.

“35,000 people have been treated under the hepatitis C program, of which 25,000 have completed their therapy, with the recovery rate reaching 98%, which is very commendable. Importantly, this center will also serve holders of neutral passports from Abkhazia’s occupied territories. It is equally important that the US Government and Gilead, an American company, took this factor into account and allowed us to treat neutral passport holders at the center. Zugdidi has been selected because of the unfortunately high rate of hepatitis C in this region, so I believe it is very important to have this center, equipped with modern technology, operating in Zugdidi. I offer every resident of this region my sincere wishes for good health,” the Prime Minister stated.

The first hepatitis C management center opened in Tbilisi, followed by this unprecedented center in the Zugdidi Municipality, which was selected because of the high rates of this virus in the region.


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